Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) is currently pursuing a research initiative to investigate the cost of digital financial services (DFS) in Tanzania, called the ‘Tanzania Affordable Digital Finance Research Initiative (TADFRI)’. TADFRI will generate, along with partners and key stakeholders, data and evidence around the drivers of DFS affordability. While the overall research program will pursue several lines of inquiry, we understand that taxation on payments is one of the most important components of DFS pricing in the country. Through conducting rigorous research, TADFRI will develop an analytical and evidence-based approach to DFS taxation policy in the country that takes into account trade-offs between government objectives, and allows policymakers to construct taxation policies that take account of competing objectives, including advancing financial deepening and inclusion (government), ensuring sufficient tax revenue is collected (government), enhancing revenue and profits (private sector), and ensuring welfare (consumers).
IPA invites qualified offerors to submit proposals to supply and deliver (Review and Analysis of Tanzania’s Digital Financial Services Tax Landscape) in support of program implementation. Specifically, IPA intends to onboard an individual (academic or consultant) or organization to lead the Tax Workstream under the TADFRI program. We are open to different entities forming partnerships to deliver the whole package of work, or for offerors to bid for Lot 1 or Lot 2 of the scope of work. In the case of partnerships, IPA will contract with one party only.
The deadline for receipt of questions is Wednesday, April 3, 2024, by 5 PM EDT. Proposals are due Friday, April 12, 2024, by 5 PM EDT. Questions and proposals should be emailed to indicating the RFP number in the subject line.
View the full RFP here, including more background information and detailed application instructions (or click the “Download Full RFP” link on the left-hand sidebar of this webpage).
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