Consultancy for Midterm evaluation of “Smallholder Coffee Development Project”
Vi Agroforestry is commissioned by the European Union (EU) to implement a 4‐year project; the Smallholder Coffee Development Project (CODE‐P) in Songwe, Mbeya and Ruvuma regions of Tanzania. Between 2020‐2024 CODE‐P aims to reach 24,000 smallholder farmers including 12,000 youth in 6 districts of Ruvuma, Mbeya and Songwe Regions of Tanzania.
The overall objective of the CODE‐P is to contribute to the inclusive and sustainable development of the coffee value chain for enhanced incomes and improved nutrition status of smallholder farmers in Ruvuma, Mbeya and Songwe regions of Tanzania. To attain this, Vi Agroforestry (Lead applicant);
Agricultural Non‐State Actors Forum (ANSAF), Cafe Africa Tanzania, Tanzania Coffee Research Institute (TaCRI), Stichting BRAC International has been implementing CODE‐P with a special focus on strengthening smallholder coffee cooperatives as a key enabler of support services that enable production, processing, and trade of coffee produced by smallholders to stimulate trade‐led economic growth in the Southern highlands of Tanzania.
Purpose of the Assignment
CODE‐P is now in the middle of its implementation and therefore requires a midterm review of the progress. The main objective of this assignment is to assess the progress made over the past two and a half years. Broadly the assignment seeks to evaluate the Logical Framework particularly, the overall objective, specific objectives, and targets; approaches used, and value for money and recommend an exit strategy for the long‐term sustainability of the results. Further to this, the evaluation results are expected to facilitate accountability to the donors and beneficiaries as well as inform the ongoing interventions.
Scope of Work
A total of 25 calendar days will constitute the evaluation period beginning 15th April 2023. This includes an estimated five days to prepare relevant tools and review documentation, ten days for data collection, and ten days for compiling the information gathered, analysis, drafting, completing the evaluation report, and report presentations to CODE‐P staff and stakeholders. The consultant will arrange for a feedback meeting to share a draft of the evaluation report with the CODE‐P consortium staff. A final report will then be provided after including the comments. The consultant will share the final report with stakeholders through a virtual workshop.
- A Tanzanian National with at least a master’s degree in the field of Agriculture, Economics, Monitoring and Evaluation, Development Studies, or any other related disciplines.
- A deep understanding of the agribusiness, agriculture sector and policy development processes in Tanzania.
- Over five years of experience in consultancy services in performing similar assignments with an outstanding track record of producing quality work and completing within the given timeframe.
- Over five years’ experience in carrying out programme evaluations and research studies.
- Over five years’ experience and knowledge of governance, human rights, gender, participatory development programmes and value chain approach.
- Experience working with local communities, non‐governmental organisations and government in areas of cash crops.
- Experience in the design and use of participatory methods for assessment and evaluation.
- Excellent writing, editing, attention to detail and organisational skills.
More information in our Terms of references
Interested and appropriately qualified (individual or firm) are invited to apply. The application should contain the following:
- A letter of interest addressed to the Country Manager
- A Technical offer showing the interpretation of the ToR and indicating a detailed proposed methodology
- A CV of the consultant or consultancy firm showing previous relevant experience.
- A detailed financial offer (expressed in TZS indicating the cost required for the undertaking of the work required.
Submit your application addressed to copying by 17:00 EAT on 4th April 2023