About the organization
Solidaridad Eastern and Central Africa is a Not – for – Profit Organization registered in Kenya with registered country office in Tanzania. It is a member of the Global Solidaridad Network with headquarters in Utrecht, The Netherlands. Solidaridad Tanzania Office is headquartered in Arusha. Solidaridad envisions a world in which all we produce, and all we consume, can sustain us while respecting the planet, each other and the next generations Solidaridad works towards improvement of livelihoods of smallholder producers through producer support and market linkages.
About the project
The Realizing Potential for ASGM Trade (FVO) is a 4-years project being implemented by 3 international NGOs – Solidaridad, Aunexum and Impact Facility in Geita in Tanzania. The project is primarily on creating access to geological data for ASM gold mines, through ‘translating’ mining cadastre information and the availability of (basic) technology for ore analysis. Geological data is crucial for ASM gold mines for example dig shafts and tunnels in the right places and right directions, to make a reliable estimate of the lifespan of the mine and the quality and quantity of the gold deposits. This is important to work more efficiently, to prevent environmental damage and have access to formal finance.
Project’s objectives:
In this project we aim to develop an approach and tools that ASM can use to ‘read’ the mining cadastre data and perform basic soil analysis of their mining concessions. In addition to this, we will work on the introduction of mercury-free technology and build an access to market model that puts emphasis on strong supply chain traceability and due diligence (ICGLR and OECD) requirements).
Scope of Work
The scope of work are as follows:
- Training 150 ASG miners on geo-literacy and including development of toolkits and equipment to enable the usage of geological data by ASM mines
- Propose training tools and their costs
- Sample taking and analysis in 3 ASG mines
- Roll out geo-data pilot with 2-3 mines, providing additional geology support and explore the potential of providing access to geo-data services to ASG miners.
- Translation of available and obtained geo-data to ASGM miners
- To provide technical advice whenever required
Suggested Approaches and Methodologies
- The detailed methodology and field work schedule will be worked out in consultation with Solidaridad, partner organizations and the consultants during inception meeting.
- However, the consultants will ensure the following steps:
- Visit Geita office in Tanzania, and hold interactions with, Program Manager, M&E & Communication Unit and the core team to be acquainted with project, its activities and the proposed work.
- Prepare a detailed methodology including training material.
- Development of DIY manual
- ASGM Training report
- Geo-data mine improvement monitoring tool
- Sample analysis report
Expertise Required and Qualification
The individual consultant must have the following expertise and qualifications:
- Hold at least a Master’s degree in a relevant field
- Knowledge and experience in the small scale gold mining sector in Tanzania;
- Knowledge and experience in Geo-data for Artisanal and Small Scale gold mining in Tanzania.
- Good communication skills
- Experience in undertaking similar assignments will be added advantage.
The assignment is expected to be undertaken not more than 40days from the date the contract is signed.
The Consultant will report directly to the Solidaridad Tanzania Country Manager and work closes with the project team to undertake the assignment.
Confidentiality Statement
All data and information received from Solidaridad for the purposes of this assignment are to be treated confidentially and only be used in the execution of this TOR. All intellectual property rights, including all reports, arising from the execution of this TOR shall be assigned to Solidaridad. The contents of written materials obtained and used in this assignment may not be disclosed to any third parties without the expressed advance written authorization of Solidaridad.
How to apply
Solidaridad Eastern and Central Africa (ECA) is looking for a part time individual consultant to undertake this assignment.
Interested Geologist with good experience in gold ASM sector should submit their expression of interest which includes CV, approach to the execution of the assignment (including work plan) and a financial proposal by close of business on April 30th, 2023.
The EOI should be submitted to this email