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Expert for Entrepreneurship & Inclusive Growth (m/f/x) at Enabel May, 2023

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The Country Strategy for Enabel Bilateral Cooperation Program in Tanzania 2023-2027 was approved on 15th July 2022 by the Belgian Minister of Development Cooperation, with a planned duration of 5 years (2023-2027) and an overall budget of 25 million euros

The general objective of the strategy has been defined as follows: “Young people especially young women, are empowered to thrive in a protective and gender-equal environment, to acquire education and skills, and to pursue decent work opportunities in Kigoma Region”.

The specific objective further specifies: “Girls and young women (14 to 29 years), in targeted districts of Kigoma, are empowered, access multiple conducive learning pathways and enjoy decent and green employment and entrepreneurship”.

For the period 2023-2027, Enabel has developed an integrated approach fully focused on girls and young women through three results areas of the same holistic intervention as defined below:

Result area 1 is focusing on secondary education for vulnerable youth with a special focus on girls.

Result area 2 is dedicated to skills development and entrepreneurship, with the ambition to increase opportunities for decent employment of young people, specifically women, through skills development, entrepreneurship promotion and business development support.

Result area 3 is focusing on supporting a protective and gender-equal environment. It will contribute to tackle the discriminatory social norms and structural barriers that girls and young women face in their family, in their community, in the educative and professional spheres, so that girls and young women benefit from the same chances to continue their education and seize increasing remunerative economic opportunities.

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