You are currently viewing Assistant Nursing Officer at Peking Health Care May, 2023

Assistant Nursing Officer at Peking Health Care May, 2023

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PekingHealthcarelimited’AnewlygrowingcompanylocatedinIlala-Daressalaamwhichoffershigh level quality health services is looking for competent candidates to join the team at one ofherdispensarieslocatedinIlala-Daressalaam.Currentlytherearetwo(02)vacanciestobefilled.Ifyoufilllikeyouaretherightcandidate,kindly sendyourapplicationsasinstructedbelow:


POST:Assistant NursingOfficer(2 post)


EMPLOYER: PekingHealthCareLimited







Ø  Toprovidegeneralnursing caretoallpatients;

Ø  Toprovidemedicationsand injectionsasprescribedbythedoctors

Ø  To monitor patient progress and identifies any changes in status and acting on thosechangesto insurepatientcomfortandsafety;

Ø  Toprovidefrequentpatientevaluationsincludingmonitoringvitalsignsandperform

Ø  Toassistonessentialprocedures;

Ø  Toassistdoctorsduringtreatmentandwardrounds;and

Ø  To perform any other duties relevant to the scope of work that may be assigned by thesupervisor.




Holder of Certificate/Diploma in Nursing, Midwifery or equivalent qualifications from recognizedinstitutionsand registeredwithTanzaniaNurses and MidwivesCouncil with valid licenses


DESIRED:Highlevelofintegrity (tobetested).ApplicantslivinginDaressalaam arehighlyencouragedto apply.





Apply by email only by attaching cover letter, your CVs and professional certificates The recruitment process is ongoing as we receive applicationsuntil the right candidate will be obtained. However, the deadline to apply is 15thMay,2023. Onlyshortlisted candidates willbe contacted.

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