Independent Non – Executive Director at TACOBA May, 2023

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Independent Non –Executive Director

Tandahimba Community Bank Plc (TACOBA) is a Community Bank established in December, 2005  under the Companies Act, 2002 of the United Republic of Tanzania and started its operations  on 10th December, 2008. The Bank is engaged in the business of banking and provision of  related services. 

The Board of Directors invites applications from suitably qualified candidates who must be  a shareholder to fill one position of Independent Non-Executive Director to represent the  shareholders of the Bank. 

The names of qualified candidates will be submitted to the Annual General Meeting for  election.  


  1. A professional banker, lawyer, accountant, Insurance or accomplished entrepreneur. 
  2. Management experience and knowledge in economics, finance, accounting, rural  development, agriculture and co operatives. 
  3. Applicants are required to observe the requirements of Article 108 of the Tandahimba  Community Bank Plc Memorandum and Articles of Association and Section 70 of the  Banking and Financial Institutions Act which, amongst other things, provide for the  qualifications that are required for applicants to possess.  
  4. The applicant should not be a politician, bankrupt, under 21 years of age.  


  1. Article 105 of the Bank’s MEMARTS states that “The Board of Directors shall have full  executive powers and functions of the Company, responsible to the Shareholders’ General  meeting. 

The Board of Directors shall have the following duties in addition to those bestowed  upon it by the Act. 

(1) To formulate the policies and strategies as will be recommended by the General  Manager 

(2) To enter into contract with other institutions. 

(3) To assure that the accounting system is maintained in accordance with  acceptance standards and the books of the Company are kept properly, and that  the accounts are checked by authorized auditors. 

(4) To make annual reports on the business in general and future plans of the  Company ready for presentation to the Shareholders General meetings.

(5) To make regulations as it will be deemed fit for the proper management of the  Company. 

(6) To be appointing authority of the General Manager, Senior Management and  the Internal Auditor. 

(7) To recommend to the Annual General Meeting and external auditor for the  Company. 

(8) Any other duties stipulated under the law. 

  1. Section 70 of the Banking and Financial Institutions Act states that “No member of the  management of the Bank who exercises decision making authority with respect to the  exercise of any supervisory authority regarding the Bank or financial institutions may hold  any office, position or employment in any bank or financial institution while serving as  member of management and during the two year period from the date when such a member  ceases to be a member of management”. 

Mode of Application 

  1. Any Tandahimba Community Bank Plc shareholder who wishes to be elected as an  Independent Non-Executive Director must submit an application letter, curriculum vitae,  certified copies of relevant academic and professional certificates and awards, two  passport size photographs, certified copies of the last page of their passports, National  Identity Card (NIDA), letters of recommendation from 3 references and declaration of  indebtedness to banks.  
  2. Notification of receipt of application and other details will be sent to all applicants upon  receipt of the applications. Applications must be received by 4.00 p.m. on Friday, 9th June,  2023. Applicants can also send their applications through 

The contact for communication is: 

The Secretary 

Tandahimba Community Bank Plc  

Plot 539 BLOCK C, Namikupa Road 

P O Box 6, Tandahimba 


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