We are thrilled to announce the list of exceptional candidates who have been selected for our highly anticipated Work Training Program at Jeshi la Magereza June, 2023. With great enthusiasm, we congratulate each individual for their remarkable qualifications and dedication to professional development. MAJINA ya Walioitwa Kazini/Mafunzo Jeshi la Magereza Leo June 2023.
Tanzania Prisons Service (TPS) was officially established on August 25, 1931 after the division of the Police and Prisons forces occurred. Despite having the responsibility to protect the security and property of foreigners, before 1931 the Police Force also performed Prison duties as per the interpretation and purpose of the colonists. The Prisons Service at its inception was called the Prison Department where its activities remained the colonial practice of torturing prisoners as well as hard work regardless of whether it was to their advantage or to the Nation.
Note: Reporting Date: 03 June, 2023