You are currently viewing Public Health Specialist – Surveillance (Senior Biostatistician) at U.S. Embassy June, 2023

Public Health Specialist – Surveillance (Senior Biostatistician) at U.S. Embassy June, 2023

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Advanced Technical Guidance – 25% 
The incumbent serves as the most senior CDC Tanzania staff member in biostatistics and all aspects of statistical data analysis. This role includes advising staff at all levels in the agency, ranging from the country director to technical staff, across all phases of study design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, and dissemination.
The incumbent guides the Science and Surveillance Branch in providing sound assistance to CDC-Tanzania staff and implementing partners in the application of appropriate statistical methods when carrying out research studies, program evaluations, implementation science activities, and analysis of routine programmatic data to inform strategies. This includes working with interdisciplinary teams to define data needs for surveillance, program evaluation and research across programs supported through PEPFAR, Global Health Security and other relevant public health areas of interest to CDC.
The incumbent conducts statistical methods review of CDC-supported scientific products in Tanzania to ensure appropriateness of statistical analysis methods and approaches – to include manuscripts for publication, abstracts, and scientific protocols. The incumbent is expected to be able to review scientific products of varying levels of complexities, including those utilizing advanced statistical methods, and provide feedback and guidance to authors.
The incumbent collaborates with and provides statistical guidance to the USG agencies in PEFPAR Tanzania, as well as government counterparts in MOH, NACP, Zanzibar AIDS Control Program, National Bureau of Statistics in the design and implementation of science and surveillance activities. Support includes capacity developing and leading trainings strengthening capacity to apply statistical methods to inform programmatic decisions and HIV epidemic response strategies.

Data Analysis, Interpretation, and Visualization – 25%
Job holder provides independent and comprehensive statistical support to staff and partners including study design, sample size calculations, power analysis, data management, analysis of data, and presentation of statistical information, and developing appropriate data visualizations for the data.
Job holder serves as the CDC-Tanzania subject matter expert on statistical methodology, collaborating with team members to write scientific protocols, reports, abstracts, and manuscripts and to communicate statistical methods and analysis results in meetings and conferences with diverse scientific audiences.
Job holder interprets data together with CDC-Tanzania technical staff with a focus on statistical implications of the data for public health policy and program activities.

Capacity Building and Skills Transfer – 20% 
The incumbent provides statistical training to CDC-Tanzania technical staff and implementing partners using appropriate modalities to support transfer of advanced statistical skills and knowledge in alignment with CDC’s overall objectives for conducting sound science and translating science into meaningful interventions and policies that can save lives.
The incumbent builds the capacity of CDC-Tanzania staff in statistical methods, sample size planning, data capture, quality assurance and quality control in data management, development of data analysis plans, performing advanced data analysis, data visualization techniques, and data synthesis.
S/he contributes to internal CDC-Tanzania seminars and professional development series aiming to enhance the use of sound statistical methods to ensure scientific integrity and ongoing learning among staff.
The incumbent generates training materials that correspond to clearly identified training needs and calibrated for varying levels (beginner, intermediate, and advanced trainees) in statistical analysis, research and evaluation design, and other relevant areas.

Project Management – 20%
The incumbent serves as an Activity Manager in CDC-Tanzania cooperative agreements (CoAgs) that involve data analysis and data management, which can include as many as ten surveillance, evaluation, and data analysis activities. Leads engagement with implementing partners and Tanzania government counterparts on management of CDC-supported projects with a statistical focus.
The incumbent coordinates CoAg activities with Program Leads to ensure high quality implementation of all activities in alignment with clearly defined objectives that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time bound.
The incumbent liaises with Project Officers and members of the Extramural Branch in imposing restrictions of funds in CoAgs that require approved CDC project determinations for human subject data collection.

Administrative Management 10 % of time

Note: This position description in no way states or implies that these are the only duties to be performed by the incumbent. Incumbent will be required to perform other duties as assigned by the agency.


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